Gestigon startup
Gestigon is now online under
CVIU special issue on Time-of-Flight camera based computer vision
appeared in CVIU Vol.114, Issue 12, Dec. 2010 .
Guest editors Rasmus Larsen, Erhardt Barth, Andreas Kolb.ARTTS article published in
Cordis EU Technology Marketplace, Aug. 2010 .
ARTTS granted EXIST technology transfer programme
ARTTS partner UL-INB submitted a proposal within the highly competive EXIST technology transfer programme of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Trading (BMWI). Out of 56 submissions the proposal was one of 16 successful ones, winning a 400,000 euro grant in October 2009; this will be used to establish a company that will develop and market software solutions for time-of-flight cameras.
The company will aim at extending the time-of-flight (TOF) technology by a gesture technology (GT), i.e. the goal is to develop a TOF-GT engine that establishes a link between TOF cameras and a wide range of interactive gesture-based applications.
ARTTS to Host Time-of-Flight Face Detection Competition
To spur progress in time-of-flight-based object detection, the ARTTS project has hosted a competition on face detection using time-of-flight (TOF) cameras. The prize for the competition was a MESA SR4000 camera.
For more information, see the competition page.
ARTTS Camera Prototype Assembled
The camera to be developed during the ARTTS project is nearing completion, and a prototype has been assembled:
ARTTS at Eurographics 2009
Members of the ARTTS consortium are attending the Eurographics 2009 Conference and Exhibition. They are presenting a State of the Art Report (STAR) on Time-of-Flight Sensors in Computer Graphics.
Sources say Microsoft will buy 3DV
There is rumor going around the internet that Microsoft will buy 3DV Systems, an Israeli manufacturer of time-of-flight cameras. More here, here, and on many other sites."Beyond Movement"
The History and Future of Gesture Analysis
December 17 - 21, 2007
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33, Pisa, Italy
Beyond Movement aims at fostering the research, the industrial development and the social involvement on technologies and systems for the acquisition, modelling and transfer of human skills. Beyond Movement foresees three main events: Scientific Workshop, December 17-18. More
Pervasive 2008
The Sixth International Conference
on Pervasive Computing
Sydney, Australia
May 19-22, 2008 Deadline: 1st February 2008, 18:00 EST
Notification of acceptance: 15th March 2008
Camera-ready paper deadline: 29th March 2008